Domain name registrations require contact information to be provided for storage and display in the international WHOIS database. This means that anyone in the world can view the name, address, phone number, and email of a domain name without restriction. Publicly making this information available puts domain owners at a risk for spam and potential identity theft. WhoisTrustee and WHOISTrustee Lite securely replaces some or all of this information with data provided by to protect the domain registrant. Today, this privacy service is available for many of the new TLDs at HEXONET:
academy | actor | agency | associates | bargains | bike | boutique | builders | cab | camera | camp | cards | careers | catering | center | cheap | cleaning | clothing | club | codes |coffee | community | company | computer | condos | construction | consulting | contractors | cool | cruises | dance | dating | democrat | diamonds | directory | domains |education | email | energy | enterprises | equipment | estate | events | expert | exposed | farm | flights | florist | foundation | futbol | gallery | glass | graphics | guru | holdings |holiday | house | immobile | industries | institute | international | investments | kaufen | kitchen | kiwi | land | lighting | limo | mason | management | marketing | mods | ninja |partners | photography | photos | plumbing | productions | properties | pub | recipes | rentals | repair | republican | reviews | rocks | shoes | singles | social | solar | solutions |support | systems | technology | tienda | tips | today | tools | trading | training | uno | vacations | ventures | viajes | villas | voyage | watch | works | 在线 |中文网
For customers with existing new TLD registrations with us, simply login to your account and navigate your domain list (Manage Products > Domains) to see if WHOISTrustee is available for your domain.